Czar is our large white Siberian tiger. He is a couple of years old and will
continue to grow until he reaches around 5 years old.  Czar is our big
attraction at the rescue center . He is responsible for bringing in much needed
funds for feeding ,housing and care of the other wildlife housed at Genesis
and funding for our native rehab work. Czar is expected to live to about 18
years old and will continue to help fund the center for many years to come.
The first week in January saw Czar and Kalissa joined. After growing up for a
year next to Czar she is now a playful partner for the big boy. Last year we
collected enough donations to have Czar neutered, this will prevent any
unneeded tiger cubs.
Kalissa was rescued the first of 2006 with a severely
twisted neck(
Star gazing syndrome ). After months of
therapy she recovered completely. She is now one of
the most playful tigers at the center and a handful for
Angel is our newest tiger. She is a White Siberian Tiger that
came to us the end of 2006 from a facility that was closing.
The owner of the facility had lost his license and was not
permitted to sell his remaining cats. Unable to conduct
business he was forced to find homes for his remaining cats as
funds became low and could not continue to feed them. We
are so glad that Angel has come to live with us.
Genesis Zoological Center Inc.
Kalieb is our largest and oldest Siberian tiger. He  has a condition
called "
Hip-displasia". Even with his age and condition he is by far one
of the most well mannered cats at the center.
The Siberian Tiger Page
Information about the species Panthera tigris altaica (Siberian Tiger)
The Amur Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) is a rare subspecies of tiger (P. tigris). Also known as the Siberian, Korean, Manchurian, or North China
Tiger, it is the largest natural animal in the feline family Felidae.

The Amur Tiger is critically endangered. In the early 1900s, it lived throughout the Korean Peninsula, northeastern Mongolia, southeastern Russia,
and northeastern China. Today, it has virtually disappeared from South Korea and is largely confined to a very small part of Russia's southern Far
East (the Amur-Ussuri region of Primorye and Khabarovsk, a location where it and the Amur Leopard are now being actively protected). There are
very few tigers in Manchuria (northeastern China) and fewer still in North Korea. Captive breeding and conservation programs are currently active.

The tiger population in the Sikhote-Alin was 250 in 1992, increasing to 350 as of 2004, despite significant losses of cubs due to car accidents on the
single road that crosses their territory. Illegal poaching has been brought under control thanks to frequent road inspections. It is rumoured that there
are still around 20 of these tigers in the Mount Changbai area of China.

As the total population of these tigers fell to 150 in the wild, many subpopulations are possibly not genetically viable, subject to potentially
catastrophic inbreeding. However, Russian conservation efforts have led to a revival of the subspecies, and the number of individuals in the
Primorsky region of Russia has risen from 450 to 500 in the past decade, indicating positive growth.
An Amur Tiger named Hodori was chosen to represent the 1988 Summer Olympics held in Seoul, South Korea.
Physical description
The male Amur Tiger can weigh as much as 318 kilograms (700 lb), although in past years, scientists believed that these cats could weigh up to
350 kilograms (800 lb), a supposition based largely on the estimates of hunters. On average, a tigress weighs about 160 kilograms (352 lb), and a
male weighs about 225 kilograms (496 lb). At these sizes, the Amur Tiger is the largest natural creature of the cat family, though not as large as the
liger, a panthera hybrid generally only found in captivity. The largest captive Amur tiger was 3.7 metres (12 ft) long and weighed over 423 kilograms
(932 lb), compared to the largest captive African lion that weighed 366 kilograms (806 lb).Siberian tigers can grow from 10 to 12 feet long! Apart from
its size, the Amur Tiger is differentiated from other tiger subspecies by its paler fur, dark brown (rather than black) stripes and diverse diet (see

Like all other cats, the Amur Tiger is a carnivorous predator; an adept hunter, it preys primarily on wild boar, roe deer, sika deer and goral, but will
also take smaller prey like lagomorphs (hares, rabbits, and pikas) and fish, including salmon. Unlike the Bengal Tiger, the Amur Tiger rarely attacks
humans. It has sometimes even been known to kill and eat Asiatic black bears and even brown bears. Since it is estimated that 85% of an Amur
Tiger's diet is composed of red deer and wild boar, protecting these and other prey animals from illegal hunting may be just as important to the
tiger's survival as preventing direct killing of the big cats.

In captivity
The captive population of Amur Tiger comprises several hundred specimens. A majority of these tigers are found in Europe and North America, but
there are also a few specimens living in Asian zoos. The Amur Tiger is bred within the Species Survival Plan (SSP), a project based on 83 wild
caught tigers. According to most experts, this population is large enough to stay stable and genetically healthy. Today, approximately 160 Amur
Tigers participate in the SSP, which makes it the most extensively bred tiger subspecies within the programme. There are currently no more than
around 255 tigers in the tiger SSP from three different subspecies. Developed in 1982, the Species Survival Plan for the Amur tiger is the longest
running program for a tiger subspecies. It has been very fortunate and productive, and the breeding program for the Amur tiger has actually been
used as a good example when new programs have been designed to save other animal species from extinction.

The Amur Tiger is not very difficult to breed in captivity, but the possibility to release captive bred specimens into the wild is small. Conservation
efforts that secure the wild population are therefore still of imperative importance. If a captive bred Amur Tiger were to be released into the wild, it
would lack the necessary hunting skills and starve to death. Captive bred tigers can also approach humans and villages since they have learned to
associate humans with feeding and lack the natural shyness of the wild tigers. In a worst-case scenario, the starving tigers could even become
man-eaters. Since tigers must be taught how to hunt by their mothers when they are still cubs, a program that aimed to release captive bred Amur
Tigers into the wild would face great difficulties.

The Amur Tiger sometimes cross-breeds with the Bengal Tiger. A white Amur Tiger is usually the result of such cross-breeding, and it is unclear
whether a pure white Amur Tiger exists.

Wikipedia Foundation inc. 2006
Cat Specialist Group (1996). Panthera tigris ssp. altaica. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2006.  2006.
Russian Plan to Save World's Largest Tiger Succeeds. Environment News Service. US: Environment News Service.  2005.
Fact: Did you know that each of our tigers can eat 15 to 20lbs of meat daily!
Odessa is a older female Siberian Tiger
and has been with us for many years.
She came from a breeder who could not
sell her because of the twisted neck
trauma she had  .Instead of letting her
be destroyed ,neck braces were applied
and months of therapy. Many years later
Odessa is the most beautiful of tigers
and has a beautiful straight neck.
Czar and Angel Taking a nap.